Taking the time to hone in on your math skills will make a huge difference on your performance. Whether you are looking to learn a new math concept, or solidify ones you know, these online math resources will be worthwhile. The four resources below are a great start to strengthening students’ math skills and overall confidence. As an online math tutor, it is my mission to offer my students (and their parents) as many resources as possible to tackle those math concepts, build a foundation of knowledge, and accomplish their goals. That is why we’ve compiled four of the top online math resources.
Khan Academy is a great resource with content created by experts that students can learn at their own pace. Students can learn and reinforce math concepts by watching videos, practicing problems, and taking quizzes. Khan Academy also offers learning modules for the SAT math sections.
Virtual Nerd has videos teaching Pre-Algebra, Algebra I and II, and Geometry. This resource also offers help with the SAT and ACT math sections. The videos help students hone in on the topics that are important for performing well on these standardized tests.
Mathway is an app that can be downloaded from the App Store or the Google Play Store. This app is great for tough problems, as students are able to take a picture of the problem that they’re having difficulty with, and the app will provide step-by-step instructions on how to solve it.
Math & Science Tutor is an app that can be downloaded from the App Store or the Google Play Store. This app is free and provides video lessons in math, algebra, and calculus. With step-by-step instructions, this app will be able to walk students through and solidify many math concepts.
At Costa Comprehensive Tutoring, I know the internet houses many math resources, but I also know that one-on-one learning is difficult to replace. To help your student reach their goals, I offer affordable and flexible tutoring sessions as a virtual math tutor. Reach out with any questions or book a session today!
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